Carpool Contract | Carpool Registration | Carpool FAQ |
Van and Daycare Services
*You must display your carpool tag for afternoon pick up*
You do not need a carpool number to drop off students in the morning.
The carpool loop, in front of the building, will be open at 8:05 a.m. for you to drop off students. No students should be dropped off before 8:05 a.m. Students dropped off after 8:20 a.m. will be considered late and need to be signed in at the office by his/her parent.
- When you enter the carpool loop, please pull down as far as possible. The staff assigned will direct you where to stop.
- It is very important that we demonstrate patience and courtesy as we wait in turn for the cars ahead of us to drop off their children.
- Pulling out of line and around other cars is very dangerous and will not be allowed.
- We also ask parents to be sure all backpacks and hugs are taken care of before you pull up to the drop off area. This will ensure smooth and continuous movement of the carpool line. If you can’t let your child out on the right side of the car, due to any problems with your car doors, you must park on Academy Ave to discharge your child. Letting a child out of the car on the driver’s side is very dangerous due to potential passing cars.
If you pick up your child by car, you should register for a carpool number. In order to register for a carpool number, please contact the front office. By displaying the carpool number, you will be given access to the front carpool loop in the afternoon.
- You may not enter the carpool line without a number.
- At 2:50 p.m. carpool and van riders will be dismissed. Children will be dismissed to their cars in order of arrival. You must remain in your car while waiting for your child/children. Your child/children will be sent to you.
- Pulling out of line and around cars is very dangerous and will not be allowed.
- Once your child gets into the vehicle, encourage him/her to sit down and buckle up as quickly as possible so that the carpool line can flow smoothly. Please wait for the carpool line to move once your child has gotten into the car.Pulling out of line is very dangerous and will not be allowed.
- No child will be dismissed to a person who is not listed on the carpool registration form or who does not have a carpool number displayed in the front window.
- Anyone picking up a student without a number will have to park on Academy Avenue, and come into the main office so proper identification can be verified.
If your child needs to be dismissed early, please know that you must arrive at school before 2:30 p.m. After 2:30 p.m., you will need to wait until regular dismissal begins at 2:50 p.m.
- There is no parking in the carpool loop from 2:00-3:30 p.m. Please do not park in the front loop when picking up children for early dismissal during these times. You must park in the parking lot or on Academy Avenue, and walk to the front office to ensure that traffic does not get backed up in the carpool loop close to dismissal time.