Student Arrival
It is very important that all students arrive to school on time.
All students are expected to be in their seats, ready to begin the instructional day at 8:20 a.m.
8:05 Students may begin entering the building and go to get breakfast or go straight to their classrooms.
8:20 Students should be in the building.
After 8:20 students are considered late.
Late Arrivals in the Morning:
A late arrival means that your student starts the day at a disadvantage.
Students arriving after 8:20 a.m. are considered late and should follow these guidelines:
- Enter through the front door and report to the office.
- Students receive a late slip which they give to their classroom teacher.
- An administrator or office staff member will walk younger students to class if needed.
- Days tardy are reflected on the report card. Letters will be sent to parents of students with more than 5 late arrivals per quarter.